Do you remember being a kid in the kitchen, when everything was an adventure, recipes did not matter and cracking the egg was the most important job of all? As we grow into adults some of us are able to hold onto that joy that can be found in the kitchen, while others begin to see it as a daunting task. The blame is often put on a lack of time and interest which in many regards is relevant. However, with the advent of 30 minutes meals and an entire industry dedicated to making cooking easier every excuse seems to have a solution.
It comes down to the fact that as we get older everything becomes associated with rules, deadlines and structure that we lose sight of the child within us that remembers how fun the kitchen can be.
So here are some steps you can try to bring the inner child back into the kitchen:
It comes down to the fact that as we get older everything becomes associated with rules, deadlines and structure that we lose sight of the child within us that remembers how fun the kitchen can be.
So here are some steps you can try to bring the inner child back into the kitchen:
2) Eat the cookie dough- There is one thing that adults and kids always think alike on, eating the dough. The dough tastes delicious, but kids love that they can break a rule without getting in trouble. Sometimes as adults we just have to break the rules.
3) The “Snow Day” magic- I know cooking has nothing to do with a snow day, but stay with me on this one. There is nothing in the world more thrilling to a kid then a snow day. It is an unexpected day off filled with so many possibilities. Yet, as an adult snow days become nonexistent and turn into a messy struggle to get to work. While we can’t expect our boss to give us an unexpected day off, we can turn the kitchen into our very own snow day. The kitchen holds unlimited possibilities where anything can be created and homemade food can bring a comfort that can't be found elsewhere. We may not get snow days anymore, but that doesn’t mean we have to forget that kind of joy.
4) Be in the moment- If you have ever cooked with a kid you are aware of the fact that they ask what everything is and want to touch and smell it all. Kids know how to live in the moment even if it only lasts for a minute. As adults we are so rushed to finish cooking that we forget to take some time to savor the smells and tastes. If we slow down and actually take the time to be in the moment as we cook you will find it is one of the most relaxing ways to spend a night.
5) RELAX- The most important thing to remember when you cook or bake is simply to relax. Cooking does not have to be a chore if we can simply change our attitude. Don’t worry if you mess something up, almost 90 percent of mistakes in the kitchen can be turned into a success with some creativity and imagination.
For once you can sit back from educating your kids and let them teach you something, it may lead to some of the best memories.
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