Monday, November 30, 2009

Cookie Baking 101

This time of year is synonymous with Christmas music, shopping and decorating, but nothing beats holiday cookie baking. From gingerbread to sugar cookies, every cookie seems to taste extra special this time of year. Yet, nothing can ruin the fun more than a cookie that comes out wrong.
Luckily we are smarter than any batch of cookies and controlling how it comes out is completely within our grasp with a few cookie baking guidelines.

When it comes to cookies there are four general characteristics:
1) Chewy
2) Soft
3) Spread
4) Crispy

To achieve the type of cookie you desire, be aware of these three steps:
Ingredient selection and amount
Mixing time
Cooking time

For a Chewy cookie: You want to have a high proportion of sugar, liquid and eggs, but a lower amount of fat.
For a Soft cookie: You want to have a high proportion of liquid, but a low amount of sugar and fat.
Also, using hygroscopic sugars is a great way to achieve softness because they absorb moisture from the air, leaving moisture in the cookies. Hygroscopic sugars include, honey, molasses, corn syrup or maple syrup.
When it comes to size for a softer cookie you want to shape them in a larger, thicker shape. The thicker the cookie the harder it is for the moisture to evaporate.
Even though almost every recipe says to bake a cookie until golden brown, taking a cookie out slightly under baked will give you a wonderful texture. Cookies continue to bake even out of the oven, so if you over bake them while in the oven you will not achieve the softness you desire.
Controlling Spread: The majority of cookies require some spread, but who wants a cookie as flat as a pancake? I recently learned a few tips to control spread that may help save your next cookie batch.
Type of sugar- Most cookies call for granulated sugar, but granulated sugar will increase spread in a cookie. Granulated sugar will not dissolve in dough, resulting in more spread. Powdered sugar will dissolve and therefore will prevent spread from occurring.
Baking soda v. Baking powder- There is in fact a difference between the two. Baking soda creates a crisper cookie and encourages spread. Baking powder on the other hand encourages more lift over spread.
Mixing Time- This is probably the most important way to control spread and can make or break a cookie. Mixing cookie dough is putting air into the cookie. When you put too much air into the dough it can cause a cookie to spread more than you would like. Mix a cookie until is just begins to form a paste to avoid this problem.
Flour choice- stronger flour will cause less spread compared to a weaker cake or pastry flour.
Pan Make- up- A heavily greased pan will cause more spread than a lightly greased pan.
For a crispy cookie: To achieve a crisp cookie you want to have low moisture, but high sugar and fat.
You will also want to bake longer and shape cookies smaller.

Even with these tips, baking is all about experimentation so there will be those times a cookie comes out wrong. However, any cookie can be turned into a wonderful success with some imagination.
If a chocolate chip cookie or sugar cookie comes out to crisp or flat, you can still find a use for it. Put the cookies into a food processor and turn into a crumb. Combine with a little melted butter and use in replace of a graham cracker crust.

Happy Baking!

Monday, November 23, 2009

What is Turkey Day without a Turkey?

The one and only Thanksgiving decoration my mom has ever put up at our house was a turkey holding up a sign saying “Next Year Try Ham.” I was never a fan of the sign since Thanksgiving for me is synonymous with turkey. My mom on the other hand would prefer a prime rib or even seafood.

Since the rest of my family tends to agree with me, turkey has always been the star of our meal. For me it’s not just the finished product that makes the turkey essential, but the entire process. Every holiday is associated with a certain food, but nothing claims more attention than the stories of success and failure over the Thanksgiving turkey. Television shows, cookbooks and even a presidential pardon have helped make the turkey an event in itself.

Thanksgiving above all is a day to spend time with those we love and be thankful for all of the blessings we have. No matter what you have on your table Thanksgiving will go on. The turkey is not important because of its flavor or the stress it causes millions of cooks, but the ability it has to connect us all on one single day. I think any food that can accomplish that is pretty special in my book.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Kid in the Kitchen

Do you remember being a kid in the kitchen, when everything was an adventure, recipes did not matter and cracking the egg was the most important job of all? As we grow into adults some of us are able to hold onto that joy that can be found in the kitchen, while others begin to see it as a daunting task. The blame is often put on a lack of time and interest which in many regards is relevant. However, with the advent of 30 minutes meals and an entire industry dedicated to making cooking easier every excuse seems to have a solution.
It comes down to the fact that as we get older everything becomes associated with rules, deadlines and structure that we lose sight of the child within us that remembers how fun the kitchen can be.
So here are some steps you can try to bring the inner child back into the kitchen:

1) Make a mess sometimes- A mess can always be cleaned up, but the fun you have making it is priceless. Flour is everywhere and things splatter, but while we are spending time stressing out over the mess the kids are having a ton of fun.
2) Eat the cookie dough- There is one thing that adults and kids always think alike on, eating the dough. The dough tastes delicious, but kids love that they can break a rule without getting in trouble. Sometimes as adults we just have to break the rules.
3) The “Snow Day” magic- I know cooking has nothing to do with a snow day, but stay with me on this one. There is nothing in the world more thrilling to a kid then a snow day. It is an unexpected day off filled with so many possibilities. Yet, as an adult snow days become nonexistent and turn into a messy struggle to get to work. While we can’t expect our boss to give us an unexpected day off, we can turn the kitchen into our very own snow day. The kitchen holds unlimited possibilities where anything can be created and homemade food can bring a comfort that can't be found elsewhere. We may not get snow days anymore, but that doesn’t mean we have to forget that kind of joy.
4) Be in the moment- If you have ever cooked with a kid you are aware of the fact that they ask what everything is and want to touch and smell it all. Kids know how to live in the moment even if it only lasts for a minute. As adults we are so rushed to finish cooking that we forget to take some time to savor the smells and tastes. If we slow down and actually take the time to be in the moment as we cook you will find it is one of the most relaxing ways to spend a night.
5) RELAX- The most important thing to remember when you cook or bake is simply to relax. Cooking does not have to be a chore if we can simply change our attitude. Don’t worry if you mess something up, almost 90 percent of mistakes in the kitchen can be turned into a success with some creativity and imagination.
For once you can sit back from educating your kids and let them teach you something, it may lead to some of the best memories.

Friday, November 6, 2009

What is Homemade?

Homemade food has an ambience surrounding it that we can smell, taste and observe. As a foodie I have always believed in the notion that homemade food means putting together ingredients to create something entirely new showcasing your passion, creativity and love. Whether it’s the frosting on a cake or pancakes in the morning, I will put in the extra effort. I don’t do this necessarily for taste; I do it for the fulfillment of becoming connected to the food and sharing a part of my love with others. Then there are the days I can’t help but wonder if food needs to be truly homemade to feel that love? Just like in gift giving, isn’t it the thought that matters most of all?

My grandma raised all of her children with the same belief, “every dinner will be served hot.” She was a working woman with four children, but that never stopped her from putting a warm meal on the table. I have had numerous homemade meals made by my grandma that are all fantastic, but nothing can compare to her “homemade” bread and Eggo waffles.

This bread appears homemade in every aspect, but no kneading is required for this dough. It is prepared dough from the store that may not take 2 hours to make, but enjoying that first piece of bread when I walk in her door let's me know exactly where I am. Even her Eggo waffles in the morning have that special grandma touch that I can’t recreate at home (as crazy as that sounds). These things may not fit the standard definition of homemade, but I would not trade them in for anything.

There are certain benefits to homemade, including control over ingredients and clear health benefits. As a result, I have found a way to have a balance of both in my life. When it comes to Macaroni and Cheese I no longer even think of picking up a boxed version after realizing how truly simple homemade is. In terms of dessert there is no doubt homemade is the preferred choice, but sometimes a homemade touch to store bought carries just as much love. I used to rely on the Reddi- Whip and Cool Whip, until I realized homemade whipped cream and frosting can be done in minutes with a few simple ingredients. In the end it all comes down to eating what will make you feel good physically and mentally.

Homemade Macaroni and Cheese
There are SO many recipes to try but here is the formula I often rely on:
- Cook pasta according to package directions.
- Melt 6 Tbsp. of butter in a saucepan over medium heat, once butter is melted add in ½ cup of flour, this creates a roux. You will whisk that until the flour is absorbed.
- While whisking, add a mixture of 2 cups milk and 2 cups half and half to the roux.
- Whisk the mixture until it is thickened and smooth. Remove from heat.
For a very basic macaroni and cheese you can add Sharp Cheddar and parmesan, about 4 cups of Sharp Cheddar and 1 cup of parmesan. For more creativity you can experiment with gruyere cheese or even add some goat cheese or blue cheese for extra creaminess.
Once the pasta is combined with the cheese, place in a baking dish. Top with bread crumbs and bake in a 350 degree oven for 15 to 20 minutes, or until bread crumbs get golden brown and crisp.

Store- bought Angel Food Cake with homemade whipped cream flavored with Coffee

Homemade Whipped Cream
8oz heavy cream
1.25 oz powdered sugar
½ tsp vanilla
Pour heavy cream into a chilled Kitchen aid mixing bowl, with the WIRE WHISK attachment. Blend on high speed until you reach the soft peak stage, will resemble cool whip.
Then add powdered sugar and vanilla plus any other flavorings you want to try (coffee extract, maple, cocoa powder, cinnamon, etc.)
Then beat to a stiff peak, it is done when it can hold its own shape when lifted out of the bowl.
Keep refrigerated until ready to use.
Decorate Angel food cake with whipped cream and a variety of toppings, such as sprinkles, nuts or fruit.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Food Vision: A spin on chocolate pudding

It is a child whose face lights up when they see the ice cream man or a great grandmother’s recipe that endures with every generation. There is a simple joy we find in food as children, that never really disappears, but adapts and changes as we grow. We expect chicken noodle soup when we are sick at 42, the same way we did when we were 5 years old. While there are millions of soups to choose from, we only want the one that can recreate the comfort we remember.

We all have childhood memories of food that remain with us our entire life. Some are more traditional like making Christmas cookies or gardening vegetables with your grandma. While others our more unique to our own family creating the best memories of all.

For me it is a combination that is so simple, yet one most people would never think to do. Ever since I was a little kid my dad would make the cook and serve chocolate pudding, pour it into the bowl and then add a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The combo of hot and cold was just crazy enough to work. Even today I can remember enjoying it 10 years ago. It’s not the most amazing food combination ever thought up or the best thing I have ever tasted, it simply comes down to thinking beyond the food in front of you.

A few years ago my cousin told me that her mom would make the same thing, and I found out this was a creation my dad grew up on. Millions of families all over the country have cherished recipes that continue from one generation to the next, but how often do we think of the more simple things a family shares. Even the way you eat an Oreo could be connected to a family memory. When we look at food as a story it brings it the value it deserves and we can begin to understand why we eat what we eat.

Pudding and Ice Cream

1)While the classic flavor in our family is chocolate, any flavor will work. You cook it over the stove according to box instructions. However, make sure it reaches the full thickness by coming to a boil. If it does not the pudding will not hold up against the cold ice cream.

2)Pour the finished pudding into a bowl and top with ice cream (in the picture I used pumpkin ice cream).

3)Immediately serve.

While this classic version never fails, I have learned that creativity is best expressed in the kitchen. This is why I have experimented with a few special touches over the years. Occasionally, I may sprinkle in some cinnamon with the pudding or add in some chocolate chips for extra texture. The original version will never be far from my mind, but with every special touch I am starting a new creation I hope to share with my kids one day.