Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Good Cook Knows....

It’s a soothing cup of tea when we’re battling the 24- hour flu, it fuels us when we have to cram for an all-nighter and it brings us right back to childhood when filled with creamy hot chocolate and marshmallows melting on top.  For some it might just be a portal, but I have always felt a coffee mug is a universal symbol for everything good in life.

 I grew up determined to drink coffee.  My dad was the only coffee drinker in the family and a coffee pot did not even exist in our house. What I craved was more than coffee; I desired the idea of it.  I eventually discovered a taste for coffee, but I have to believe the image and aura surrounding it is what so many of us love (on top of the fact that it keeps us awake in the morning.) It’s a constant in our life that still carries the reminder of a new day ahead. 

The ideal vision of coffee would not be complete without the mug as they’re as universally connected as cookies and milk.  I recently purchased a mug from the site (a site filled with all sorts of adorable.)  What instantly attracted me to this mug was what it said:

“A good cook knows that it’s not what’s on the table that matters, it's who is in the chairs.”

There are plenty of quotes/expressions that give me that inner-feeling of happiness, but there was something about this expression that truly resonated with me.  It’s a constant reminder that food is not just a recipe that we prepare like a science experiment. It invokes feeling, instinct and risk and the true pleasure is knowing that if it doesn’t come out right there will still be people around the table willing to give it a try!

I love having this expression on my daily coffee mug. It’s a simple joy that reminds me of the good things in life.

Of course, a side of French Toast doesn't hurt!! :)