Do you ever stop to think about the amount of decisions you have to make in a single day? Some are so unconscious they simply become another part of the day, while others can stop us completely in our tracks.
I occasionally find myself thinking of life in terms of those flow charts that I often see in magazines or presentations, wishing I could see a layout of where my life would go based on a single decision. There are always going to be days that I wish I could go back and make a different decision, that’s just a part of life. As I watch all of the horrible chaos occurring in Egypt, I step back and realize how fortunate I am to have the ability to make a decision, whether small or large. It’s a daily task I too often look at with apprehension and stress, rather than as a gift to determine my own path.
There will be the occasional day when you get the best of both worlds and I am sharing the recipe below in honor of those terrific moments.
French Toast Waffles
I was scanning through blog posts when I came upon this terrific idea to combine the texture of waffles with the flavor of French toast. There is no batter required, just a recipe for French toast and a waffle iron.
Favorite French toast recipe (Note: A thin slice of bread will work best for this recipe)
Prepare French toast as usual and heat your waffle iron to the desired setting. Grease your waffle iron with butter or cooking spray. Place the French toast in the center of the waffle iron and close. When the waffle iron lights up, check on the French toast, it may take slightly longer than the normal setting. Continue to check the toast until golden brown. Serve with your favorite toppings.